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This blog is all about game experience sharing. We share all the Good, Bad, Critics, Suggestion.

I play Video Game since 5? maybe? First game system that I have when 5, is Game & Watch: ManHole. What is Game & Watch? Same as it names, Game & Watch is a Game and a watch on 80s, it very popular among kids during that time.  Game & Watch Wiki

(Images from Google)


Then Follow by the Famicom (Family Computer) which every 80s kids have. I do have 1 but I believe mine one is not the original from NINTENDO but clone from CHINA factory as I have game like 32 in 1 (mean 1 cartridge have 32 games)

(Images from Google)


So til 90s, I am not afford to buy any game console such as super nintendo or Sega Mega Drive , but it do not stop me to play Video Game. In 90s, there do have Game store the rent their Video Game Console hourly. If not mistaken, 1 hours about RM3 (Malaysia Ringgit), so you can play any game you want in Game Store.

My third Video Game console is GameBoy. I no remember what I have done until My Mom buy this for me. Hmm, my academic result during school time is not so OK, still unable to recall. The only downside of the Game Boy is unable to play under the Sun (unable to see the screen), and AA battery drain too fast.

(Images from Google, this what my GB is, Transparent Crystal Clear)

My Forth Video game console is PS1. During that time, my option is either go Sega Saturn or PS1. But at last, I go for PS1 because of the 3D modeling is much better then Sega Saturn.  Then continue have PS2, PS3 and now PS4. And not to forget, I have PSP and PS Vita as well. Ops, so I have all the SONY Game System.

Yes, I do have other console then Sony as well. One of it is XBOX360, but unfortunately it died after three red lights (AKA “Red Ring of Death”). After this incident, I never go back to XBOX.

For NINTENDO, I only have 3DS for now. I do play Wii and WiiU before, due to limited of game library and budget, I do not purchase this 2 console.

For SWITCH, YES, I am official Nintendo Switch owner now.

That All for my video game journey in short, I have play lots of classic game, and also lots of buggy game, so this blogs is to shares any video game news or my video game collection.

All comment is welcome and do add me as your video game console account.

PSN: kcyeap


